Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Review: 50 Fashion Designers You Should Know

The cover to 50 Fashion Designers You Should Know
 With Fashion month just about over, this book is perfect for those of you still trying to learn about where designers get some of their inspiration from. The title tells you everything you need to know. It is literally a collection of the top 50 designers you should know, especially if you are going to try and be in the fashion industry. They start us with Jeanne Lanvin and bring us all the way to Stella McCarthy. Not only have all of these designers’ inspired current designers and trend, they were complete innovators for their time. Some of the designs we’ve seen recently never would have happened if it weren’t for one person or another in this book.

Stella McCartney's page in fashion history

I think the best part of this book was finding out a lot about designers that I had heard of but didn’t really know a lot about. I also found out about designers who were very influential, but I had never heard of! If you’re looking to have a go-to guide for the most important designers of the last 100+ years, you need to read this book!


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