Friday, March 22, 2013

PLL Season Finale

So Tuesday was the Season Finale of Pretty Little Liars. Honestly I'm still trying to digest what happened in the episode! How can they leave us hanging like this until JUNE?!

I need to think out some ideas, and I'd love to hear what you think too. So let's just start with one thing: Toby's alive! I have such mixed feelings about this, but by the end of the episode I was really happy. My heart seriously broke when he started crying in the hotel room with Spencer. Although I have to admit when they were with Mona in that house in the woods and he said he would "take care of Spencer" for a split second I thought he really was on the A Team. And let me tell you I was getting the pitchforks ready!

Next: Jenna. This girl is always a problem. First of all, someone from the A Team was clearly spying on her, and she was actually afraid. But who, and why? Once A sent the text to meet at that address, she met with Shana in the park. And they were holding hands. New romantic connection? Or Best Friends who are plotting something bigger? Later the new couple pair met Melissa Hastings back at Jenna's house where they talked about luring "those bitches" to the same party Spencer invited the girls to. Uh-oh.

What are you up to now? (Photo Credit: Google Images)
Later the girls are all getting ready for the party at Spencer's house, but really planning on surprising the A Team before they can attack the girls. Problem? They surprise Mona before Red Coat is even there causing all the doors to be locked and Red Coat to start a fire in the house. In a panic Mona admits she doesn't even know who Red Coat is (Com'on girl! Throw us a bone here!) Once they've all been knocked out from the smoke Hanna and Mona see Alison in the Red Coat actually saving them from the burning house. Now I know most of the girls have seen Alison since her murder in some dream or hallucination, but wait?! Was this real life they saw her in?
Um...Alison? (Photo Credit: Google Images)
Once everyone has cleared their head of smoke, the girls and Mona all head back to town where they find Walden's cop car parked in front of the church. No one seemed concerned that the lights and comp were still working despite being in a lake for weeks. They watched the video to see that Jenna and Melissa were the ones who took Walden away from the place Hanna's mom ran him over! Why do they know each other? And what are they planning? But then as they are about the leave, they see something in the trunk! WHAT IS IT?!?!??!

OMG! What is it? (Photo Credit: Google Images)
Naturally PLL wouldn't end an episode without some secret moves of a gloved and hooded character. This episodes mystery: a hand popping up out of the dirt spot where Alison's family was going to put a gazebo. We've seen this hand before, but the difference: this time there was a gloved hand to help. What does it all mean??

After watching this episode I was emotionally exhausted. This couldn't have been a better way to end the season. The one down side...having to wait until the June 11th summer premiere. Only 1,948 hours, 18 minutes and 8 seconds. We can do this!

What did you think of Tuesdays episode?
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Quote of the Week: "All things truly wicked start from innocence."
Last Weeks Answer: Samuel Johnson

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