Tuesday, January 3, 2012

KM Explains it All!

When Books Come to Life!

Hello again dear readers, I hope you all had a fabulous New Years Eve and are ready for another segment of When Books Come to Life!  I read quite a lot so I've decided to make this topic a regular one to discuss.  Since Hollywood has run out of ideas for things to make into movies, I don't think I'll ever run out of material for this.  

My Sister's Keeper
This book was passed around my circle of friends back in high school and we were all very excited to see this story come to life.  Warning, it's a real tear jerker...both the book and the movie.  The story is about a girl who was born to genetically match her sister so that she could help her sister battle leukemia by donating her own body materials.  The book switches point of views between characters so that you get each one's perspective on the situation and how it's affecting their lives.  Now although I did like the book I hated the ending...I hated the ending in the movie too though and it was different from the book so I suppose I just couldn't be pleased with any sort of ending to this story.  I'd suggest both reading and seeing the movie so that you can get your own opinion over which ending you prefer.

Alice In Wonderland
This was one of my favorite books growing up.  What little kid wouldn't love a story where you go to a world full of nonsense?  Now this story has been done, and redone but I must say each version I see I love!  The Disney version is probably the most popular and it does follow the story very closely.  A few years ago, Tim Burton released a version with Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, and Helena Bonham Carter.  The thing you need to realize about this version is that it is about Alice going BACK down the rabbit hole.  It's not Lewis Carroll's version and it's not his sequel, Through the Looking Glass.  It has his character's but this is not a story that you would have read.  Still a wicked awesome movie but if you're one of those people who prefer to watch rather than read....then watch the Disney version.

The Hobbit:  An Unexpected Journey
This is one that I'm super excited about!  Call me a geek, I really don't care but J.R.R. Tolkien's world has been brought to life via Peter Jackson once again.  The Lord of the Rings Trilogy was a great success in theaters and I can't imagine this being anything but amazing.  The Hobbit takes places before the trilogy and describes Bilbo Baggins' adventures away from the Shire (where the Hobbits live).  It will be split into two movies and shows how Bilbo obtains the "Precious" ring that starts off The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  From the trailer you can tell that a few members of the original cast are going to be in this as well as some new faces.  They needed a young Bilbo and I think they found the perfect one in Martin Freeman (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy [I'll have to discuss this one in a separate post!], Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, etc).  Hopefully my description didn't butcher the story and deter anyone from seeing it.  My brother is the real J.R.R. Tolkien fan and I can only imagine his face while reading this!  I did my best, Ryan!  Definitely rereading this before it hits theaters in December!  Check out the first trailer below and enjoy!
                                (All photos taken from google images and trailer taken from youtube)
What Books are you excited to see come to life?  Let me know!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Janet Evanovich books, and I can't wait to see the movie!
