Monday, December 31, 2012

The Gossip Corner with Stine

Hello fellow Gossipers! I know I've been MIA-in-the-club for awhile and I'm so sorry!!! Life's been a little cray-cray these days. I wanted to do one last post for 2012 since it is NYE. And boy do I have some news for you!


Yep that's right folks, Kim and Kanye are having a baby! Who would've thought that a usually crazy rumor would turn out to actually be true!?! So put on those bump-watch goggles because we've got another 6 months until baby Kimye is here. Now I don't think there will be any wedding bells chiming since Kim is technically still married to that oaf of a dude aka Kris Humphries. Do you think you can give a divorce now idiot?! 

**Pictures to come soon!!**

It looks like 2013 is going to be a really great year for Kim and Kanye and we wish them all the health and happiness in their pregnancy and can't wait to meet the little guy or girl!!

I hope you all have a safe and fun NYE and I look forward to seeing/writing you in 2013!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Resolutions

Five Star Fridays with Jenbiff

I can’t believe 2013 is just days away! (Take that Mayans, you were totally wrong!) With 2012 coming to an end, I can’t help but think about what I want to accomplish next year. I’ve written out my New Year Resolutions so I’m ready for the New Year!

1. Get into a regular work out routine. Pretty standard right? Does it count if I say I really mean it? I guess we’ll find out come February if I’m still working out right?

But really...why doesn't that count as exercising? (Photo Credit: Google Images)
2. Spend more time with friends. It’s a little difficult to spend a lot of time with my family, since I don’t live too close to them anymore, but I still live pretty close to most of my friends, so I would like to see them a little more often.

3. Get a full time job. I think this is pretty self explanatory, but really…shouldn’t the economy be turning around by now?

But really...(Photo Credit: Google Images)
4. Explore my new home. By now we’ve been living in south eastern MA for 5 months. I want to explore the parts of this state I never thought I’d really see. It would almost be like mini vacations, without having to pay for hotels or airfare!

My new home (Photo Credit: Google Images)
 5. Give back. I know that during the holidays a lot of people donate food, toys, and time, but this should be a year round thing. I want to spend time at the local food shelters, and donating some food when I can. I don’t have a lot, but I’m grateful for what I have and I’d like to try and help those who don’t have as much when I can.

(Photo Credit: Google Images)

I really do want to do all of these things, so I’m putting my determined pants on! Watch out 2013…here I come!

What do you have planned for next year?

Quote of the Week: "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right"
Last Weeks Answer: Richard Bach

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Tuesdays with Jenbiff

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your day with family and friends. I know I am! Spending time with family since moving out I’ve become very nostalgic, so here’s a look back at some of my Christmas’. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Friday, December 21, 2012

2012 Year End List

Five Star Fridays with Jenbiff

Every year my boyfriend, Ben, looks forward to reading "Year End" lists. These lists are mostly about the top music albums that came out this past year. Last year I wrote my own version of the list with a few different topics. Well I decided to bring it back this year and write another of my version of the Year End lists. This year I've chosen my fav movies, songs and fashion trends. So here we go!

My Top Movies:
The Hunger Games in book and movie form
1. The Hunger Games
2. Brave
3. Mirror Mirror                     
4. The Vow
5. The Avengers
Unfortunately I didn't see all of the movies that I would have liked to (too much time watching oldies!), but out of the ones that I did see I loved the above 5...picking my top 5 was actually really difficult!

My Top Songs:
Carly Rae Jepsen's single: Call Me Maybe
1. Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
2. Gangnam Style by PSY
3. Die Young by Ke$ha
4. Some Nights by fun.
5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift
Who can honestly say that at one point or another they didn't enjoy Call my Maybe or Gangnam Style this year? I still love them.

My Top Trends:
Bubble Necklace by Francisca's
1. Peplum    
2. Colored denim
3. Bib/BaubleBar necklaces
4. Polka dots
5. Sheer tops
I still love all of these things and every single trend found it's way into my closet...I love it!

I hope you all enjoyed all the crazy trends this year...I wonder what sort of things we'll obsess about next year. Any guesses?

Something Extra: So today's the end of the world. It seemed pretty routine to me, how about you guys? With all of this talk about the end of life, it got me thinking, What would I do if today was the last day I were alive? Of course a whole bunch of things came to mind, but really...what would I do? What about you guys? What would you do if today was the last day you were here?

Quote of the Week: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
Last Weeks Answer: Plato

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Cheesecake Dip

Five Star Fridays with Jenbiff

*Before we get started I want to send my thoughts and prayers to all the families and members of the Newtown community. I still can't believe the news of such a tragedy, and can't imagine what you are going through. Stay strong.* 

Onto today's post: For those of you who know me...I don't cook or bake ANYTHING. The only way I like to partake in the kitchen is if I'm eating. I've come to accept that I have zero interest in it, but this fact continues to shock and amaze others. I'll give you a minute to be shocked and amazed.

Anywhosers, the reason why I bring this up is because Vicki had a little Holiday shindig at her apartment and I actually made something! Just as a disclaimer I didn't use the stove/oven or microwave, but it took a little more effort than opening a box of cookies and calling them home made. Of course I got my inspiration from Pinterest which brought me to this blog.

Photo Credit: The MOMager
Behold! The Cheesecake Dip! If I can do it, you should know that this is very easy!
What you'll need: 1 block of cream cheese
                           1 tub of fluff
                           1 box of graham crackers
                           2 tubs of cool whip
                           2 cans of cherry pie filling
How much it makes: Two 8x8 pans

All the ingredients
Step one: Crush up one package of the graham crackers and cover the bottom of the pan with it.
Step two: Mix together the cream cheese (If it's still pretty hard, you can melt it a little in the microwave for 15-30 seconds), and the fluff. Once thoroughly mixed add the cool whip (one container at a time). Make sure all three things are thoroughly mixed.
Step three: Spread the mixture over the crushed graham crackers. Be careful with how you spread because you don't want the crushed crackers to get mixed into the cheesecake. Make sure to make it nice and smooth on top.
Step four: Pour the cherry pie filling on top of the mixture, one can on one pan. :)
Step five: Enjoy!

Spreading the cheesecake on the graham crackers
So that's the extent of my kitchen experience. Who cares if I didn't have to heat anything up? This dessert was delich which was all I was looking for. And I'm ok with that.

Quote of the Week: "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
Last Weeks Answer: Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Designs

Tuesdays with Jenbiff
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a nail design! I was trying to let my nails heal from splitting, but with the holidays coming up I wanted to dress my 10 little nuggets up a little too. So today I want to tell/show you about two designs I recently tried. The first one I used red, gold and white:

My inspiration from Pinterest

My version

I started with the base color (which is obviously red), then I did the little arrow, the middle arrow and finally the top arrow. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

The second design I did, while looks easier I actually had a harder time with. Weird right? Anyway, I started with the red, tried my best to make a diagonal line, and then did a second coat. Then when both red coats were dry, I did the same thing with the green line. And then the same with the gold. Not too bad, huh?

My inspiration from Pinterest

My version

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Five-Star Fridays with Jenbiff

Oldies but Goodies

Ok so the movies this month are technically oldies, but most of them we don’t think of to be too old. But let’s be serious, the Christmas season is not complete without at least a mention of a few of these goodies!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)
Starring Voices: Boris Karloff
The Grinch lives on top of a mountain with his dog and that’s how he likes it. The nearby village is very happy preparing and celebrating Christmas. This annoys the Grinch to no end, so he decides to dress up as Santa and steal everything. All the decorations, presents, food, everything. What will the people of Hooville do? Will the Grinch ever have a change of heart?

The Grinch, Cindy Lou, and Max (Photo Credit: Google Images)
The Bishop’s Wife (1947)
Starring: Cary Grant, Loretta Young, and David Niven
Henry Brougham is a new Bishop who is trying to raise funds for a new cathedral. He is hoping to get the money from a rich, stubborn widow who wants to have a large portion of the cathedral dedicated to her late husband. As the Bishop is trying to make the woman realize this cathedral is for the people not, just one person, he becomes consumed with the project and becomes distant from his family and the reason why he became a Bishop in the first place. Overwhelmed, Henry says a pray, and Dudley answers. Dudley is an angel sent to help Henry and his wife in ways they didn’t know they wanted or needed. Will Dudley be able to help with the cathedral? How will he help the Bishop’s wife?

Dudley and the Bishop's Wife ice skating (Photo Credit: Google Images)
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Starring: Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O’Hara, and Natalie Wood
This is a classic that every at least knows about if they haven’t seen it themselves. But in case you’ve lived under a rock or temporarily have amnesia let me tell you what it’s all about:
The man who had been chosen to be Santa in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade showed up drunk. The events director, Ms. Walker, of Macy’s quickly found an old man who looked the part to take his place, and was very good at it. So good, in fact, that he was offered by the store to be the Santa at the main outlet. Ms. Walker quickly learns that this old man calls himself Kris Kringle. Walker is a very cynical person who does not believe in any sort of fantasy, and this trait has actually been passed down to her daughter Susan. She starts to worry about Kringle’s sanity, but his doctor calms her nerves by telling her he’s completely harmless. Slowly people, especially Susan, start to realize something very unique and interesting about Kringle. What are they realizing? Is Kringle Santa?

Susan isn't sure if Kris is who he says he is. (Photo Credit: Google Images)
A Year without Santa Clause (1974)
Starring: Shirley Booth, Mickey Rooney and Dick Shawn
This story is told my Mrs. Clause. It is about the year Santa decides to a vacation from Christmas. Santa doesn’t believe that anyone believes in him or would even miss him. Jingle and Jangle, two of his elves, want to prove to Santa that children still have the Christmas spirit. What sort of troubles will Jingle and Jangle run into? Will Santa realize children still have the Christmas spirit?

Heat Miser and Snow Miser (Photo Credit: Google Images)
 What have you watched recently??

Quote of the Week: " Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more...."
Last Weeks Answer: Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Wish List

Since the holidays are fast approaching, I thought it would be appropriate to gather a quick wish list of items that I would love to own!

1. Longchamp bag

Le Pliage - Medium Tote in Fir

Le Pliage - Medium Tote in Bordeaux

2. Basic white shirt with black stripes
Perfect long sleeve shirt with thin black stripes. This will go with everything!
3. Twill Parka
This red one is perfect for a casual cool vibe!
4. Infinity scarf
I think this cool striped one would add some flair to a casual or dressy outfit!
Just a few things I've been eyeing recently! I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season! :)
Here are the links to the items listed:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesdays With Jenbiff

Tips to Surviving the Holiday Season

The holidays are the most stressful time of year hands down. It doesn’t even matter what holiday you are celebrating! So I’ve made a little list of things to think about or do during this holiday season to help you into the New Year.

1.  Make sure to get enough sleep! With the weather getting colder, and people running all over trying to get gifts, prepare meals, going from one holiday gather to the next on top of trying to fit in a few hours of work, laundry and fitting in whatever the kids may be up to. Oof! Talk about exhausting! Sleep when you can…you’ll need it!
Mall madness during the holidays

2.  Have a plan of attack. This time of year people tend to get a little crazy with the spending. Know who you are going to buy for and what you are going to get them. The economy still trying to make its way back it only makes sense to have a clear outline of how much money you have and to divide it depending on what your expenses may be. Sorry but your second cousin who you may see once every three years is out. 
Have a list ready so you know what to buy this holiday season
3.  Make a calendar of events. Even if you’re not the type of person who writes things into a calendar or planner of sorts, this might be the time of the year to do so. With office parties, friend parties and every relative coming to town, you need to have a clear knowledge of what’s in your immediate future.
A printable calender for the month of December
4.  Remember to have a little patience. I’ve worked in retail since I first started working, and this time of year can certainly bring out the best and worst in people. It’s a known fact that there will be crowds everywhere you go. That being said, merchandise runs out. Screaming at any associate trained to listen to you doesn’t help you get what they don’t have, and just pisses everyone off (or makes you the laughing stalk of the break room). If you’re at the point where you are willing to yell at anyone and push children, it’s time to go home…and have a glass, or bottle, of wine. 
I think this lady should open a bottle of wine now...

5.  Remember to take some time for yourself. Yea, sure this is the time of year for giving, but everyone needs some time to themselves to help them feel like themselves. There is nothing wrong with this! (On a side note, people should really be a little more giving all through out the year, not just when money is tight because you’re buying tons of stuff for every person you know).

So much to do, but I think this guy has the right idea!

 *All photos are from Google Images
I hope this couple of tips help you survive!  And remember: try to enjoy the holidays!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Five-Star Fridays with Jenbiff

Christmas Wish list

I don’t care how old I get; I will always have a Christmas Wish list. Whether or not anyone in my family wants to get these items for me is obviously a completely different story. This year’s list is filled with total dream ideas to actual things I could have. Here are a few things I’m totally writing Santa about:

1. Peplum anything 
            I love this trend and totally need more of it in my life. Here are a few that I wish would appear in my closet:

Peplum dress from Express

Peplum skirt from Forever 21

Peplum shirt from Zara
 2. Oxblood
    Yes I know this is just a color, but again I really just need more of it in my life. Here are a few ways I want to incorporate it into my wardrobe.

Oxblood ankle bootie from Bakers

sssssexy nail polish by Essie

Oxblood dress from Zara
 3. A New Car
This prob seems like stereotypical item, but really. It will prob be on my list until I actually get a new car. If I could have anything I’d prob want this:

I wouldn't mind the keys to this puppy in my stocking this year :)
4. To Travel
            This will be on my list until the day I day. I’ve gone on many trips with my family and friends, and all of the experiences have just opened my eyes and made me want to see more. Really high on my list right now: Rome, Florence and Milan Italy. But ask me again tomorrow and that might change…

This is all I need

Is there anything you're asking Santa for?