Friday, December 7, 2012

Five-Star Fridays with Jenbiff

Oldies but Goodies

Ok so the movies this month are technically oldies, but most of them we don’t think of to be too old. But let’s be serious, the Christmas season is not complete without at least a mention of a few of these goodies!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)
Starring Voices: Boris Karloff
The Grinch lives on top of a mountain with his dog and that’s how he likes it. The nearby village is very happy preparing and celebrating Christmas. This annoys the Grinch to no end, so he decides to dress up as Santa and steal everything. All the decorations, presents, food, everything. What will the people of Hooville do? Will the Grinch ever have a change of heart?

The Grinch, Cindy Lou, and Max (Photo Credit: Google Images)
The Bishop’s Wife (1947)
Starring: Cary Grant, Loretta Young, and David Niven
Henry Brougham is a new Bishop who is trying to raise funds for a new cathedral. He is hoping to get the money from a rich, stubborn widow who wants to have a large portion of the cathedral dedicated to her late husband. As the Bishop is trying to make the woman realize this cathedral is for the people not, just one person, he becomes consumed with the project and becomes distant from his family and the reason why he became a Bishop in the first place. Overwhelmed, Henry says a pray, and Dudley answers. Dudley is an angel sent to help Henry and his wife in ways they didn’t know they wanted or needed. Will Dudley be able to help with the cathedral? How will he help the Bishop’s wife?

Dudley and the Bishop's Wife ice skating (Photo Credit: Google Images)
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Starring: Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O’Hara, and Natalie Wood
This is a classic that every at least knows about if they haven’t seen it themselves. But in case you’ve lived under a rock or temporarily have amnesia let me tell you what it’s all about:
The man who had been chosen to be Santa in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade showed up drunk. The events director, Ms. Walker, of Macy’s quickly found an old man who looked the part to take his place, and was very good at it. So good, in fact, that he was offered by the store to be the Santa at the main outlet. Ms. Walker quickly learns that this old man calls himself Kris Kringle. Walker is a very cynical person who does not believe in any sort of fantasy, and this trait has actually been passed down to her daughter Susan. She starts to worry about Kringle’s sanity, but his doctor calms her nerves by telling her he’s completely harmless. Slowly people, especially Susan, start to realize something very unique and interesting about Kringle. What are they realizing? Is Kringle Santa?

Susan isn't sure if Kris is who he says he is. (Photo Credit: Google Images)
A Year without Santa Clause (1974)
Starring: Shirley Booth, Mickey Rooney and Dick Shawn
This story is told my Mrs. Clause. It is about the year Santa decides to a vacation from Christmas. Santa doesn’t believe that anyone believes in him or would even miss him. Jingle and Jangle, two of his elves, want to prove to Santa that children still have the Christmas spirit. What sort of troubles will Jingle and Jangle run into? Will Santa realize children still have the Christmas spirit?

Heat Miser and Snow Miser (Photo Credit: Google Images)
 What have you watched recently??

Quote of the Week: " Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more...."
Last Weeks Answer: Oprah Winfrey

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