Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesdays With Jenbiff

Tips to Surviving the Holiday Season

The holidays are the most stressful time of year hands down. It doesn’t even matter what holiday you are celebrating! So I’ve made a little list of things to think about or do during this holiday season to help you into the New Year.

1.  Make sure to get enough sleep! With the weather getting colder, and people running all over trying to get gifts, prepare meals, going from one holiday gather to the next on top of trying to fit in a few hours of work, laundry and fitting in whatever the kids may be up to. Oof! Talk about exhausting! Sleep when you can…you’ll need it!
Mall madness during the holidays

2.  Have a plan of attack. This time of year people tend to get a little crazy with the spending. Know who you are going to buy for and what you are going to get them. The economy still trying to make its way back it only makes sense to have a clear outline of how much money you have and to divide it depending on what your expenses may be. Sorry but your second cousin who you may see once every three years is out. 
Have a list ready so you know what to buy this holiday season
3.  Make a calendar of events. Even if you’re not the type of person who writes things into a calendar or planner of sorts, this might be the time of the year to do so. With office parties, friend parties and every relative coming to town, you need to have a clear knowledge of what’s in your immediate future.
A printable calender for the month of December
4.  Remember to have a little patience. I’ve worked in retail since I first started working, and this time of year can certainly bring out the best and worst in people. It’s a known fact that there will be crowds everywhere you go. That being said, merchandise runs out. Screaming at any associate trained to listen to you doesn’t help you get what they don’t have, and just pisses everyone off (or makes you the laughing stalk of the break room). If you’re at the point where you are willing to yell at anyone and push children, it’s time to go home…and have a glass, or bottle, of wine. 
I think this lady should open a bottle of wine now...

5.  Remember to take some time for yourself. Yea, sure this is the time of year for giving, but everyone needs some time to themselves to help them feel like themselves. There is nothing wrong with this! (On a side note, people should really be a little more giving all through out the year, not just when money is tight because you’re buying tons of stuff for every person you know).

So much to do, but I think this guy has the right idea!

 *All photos are from Google Images
I hope this couple of tips help you survive!  And remember: try to enjoy the holidays!

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