Friday, October 28, 2011

Thirsty Thursday's With Vicki

Workout Week #4

Hello fellow workout beauties! Hope that you guys have been reading my posts for the month of October, and have been picking up on some awesome work out tips from me to you! Since it’s the last week of October I’m going to leave you with some last minute important workout tips I've learned over time that I’d like to share with you & remind you about!

1.) Do 8-12 reps and 3 sets per exercise (it's important not to overdue each exercise)

2.) Be sure to use the appropriate amount of weight for your muscle strength. Your goal is to have good posture, and form. Over time, the stronger you get, you'll be able to "up" the weight. For me, since I'm not looking to look like hulk, the weight isn't so important. But, if you feel like you are ready to “up” the weight do so! Otherwise, you’re going to see no muscle buildup.

3.) Don't expect to be able to see a change in your body right after the first workout! It could take a few weeks to notice a difference in muscle strength. I've been doing these workouts for about 6 weeks now, and have seen some change!

4.) It's 50% what you eat, and 50% what you do! Be sure to eat healthy everyday, and get the appropriate amount of nutrients and vitamins. Don't eat too much before a workout. Have something quick like a breakfast bar and lots of water before a workout. Save the meal for afterwards but don't starve yourself!

5.) It takes 30 days to make or break a habit! I was never one to make working out a habit, but once I found an atmosphere I was comfortable working out in, and workouts I enjoyed doing, I actually enjoyed going to the gym. The first few workouts were the toughest for me, but soon enough it got a bit easier. 

6.) Remember, it's your workout! Don't care to workout at a gym?! Does a gym not fit in your budget?! Then do your workout at home. There's tons of ways to find a workout that fits your lifestyle!

7.) Check out Youtube Videos, books, websites, and magazines to pick up an exercise or two. I've managed to steal a few from my Cosmopolitan magazines! Check out the "You, Even Better" section with personal trainer Tracy Anderson. Her exercises are great to use right from home!

8.) Be sure that when lifting weights, to have at least one day between your last day of lifting. This allows your muscles to rest!

9.) Don’t be afraid to ask a professional or someone who knows what they’re doing how to do an exercise. You don’t want to hurt yourself by doing an exercise incorrectly and strain your muscles!

10.) Get some cute workout attire!!! I like to buy mine at Dick's Sporting Goods, and Sports Authority. I also can find some cute yoga pants and tank tops at Victoria’s Secret and Caren & Company in Longmeadow, MA.

Also, remember your beautiful inside & out! Working out & staying fit will create a healthier lifestyle for you in the long term! And REMEMBER: Save The Tata’s!!!!


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