Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesdays with Jenbiff


When I first heard that we were going to be hit by another hurricane, like most New Englanders I took it with a grain of salt. Weather men and women in this part of the world have such a difficult job predicting what mother nature is actually going to do to us, so I didn't really expect too much from this. The morning of the Sandy's arrival came and I was actually a little nervous to go to work. As the day moved on it got windier and more rainy, so I left work early to prepare for the worst. The storm picked up a little, but we never lost power. It seemed like a really bad rain storm and then it was over. Thank goodness.

I tried to keep up with what was happening along the east coast, and make sure that my friends and family were all safe and sound. As far as I know everyone's doing well. My thoughts are definitely with everyone who isn't.

Since this is really the first storm that I have my own home to worry about all my family members made sure to give me a check list of emergency must-haves. We were actually a lot more prepared than I thought we were going to be, but here's my version of the list for anyone who's curious:

1. Bottled water
We actually get the big jugs of Poland Spring from Walmart. It has 2.5 gallons and can last us at least 2 weeks if that's the only thing we're drinking.

Somehow we've collected a lot more candles than I ever would have expected. I think there's something a little romantic about loosing power and huddling around flickering candles. That being said, we have one flashlight that could probably use new batteries. I also have a flashlight app on my ipod for when I miss the glow of technology.

3. Canned food
Canned food, peanut butter, bread, and basically anything that requires no cooking and doesn't need any refrigeration.

4. Blankets
Just in case the storm happens to be like the Frankenstorm that hit Western MA last year (which for those of you who don't know killed the power for a couple of weeks and brought a couple feet of snow), having a few extra blankets is prob a good thing.

5.First Aid Kit
Do I really need to explain this? It's a good idea to have one even if you're not being threatened by a big storm.

6. Non-Electrical Entertainment
I know. Is there even such a thing anymore? If you loose power you might want to come up with something. You should def have charged your cell, ipod, ipad, tablet, laptop and anything else that might last a little while unplugged, but don't rush to use up the battery in each. You don't know how long the power will be out, so it would be a good idea to come up with things that don't require batteries just in case. Read that book you keep saying you'll read (my suggestions here, here and here), take up knitting, play card games with whoever you're with, volunteer for the Red Cross.

I'm sure when winter comes and I experience more storms out of my parents house I will come up with more things, but for now I think this covers the basics to get you through a short power outage. Stay safe!

*All Photos from Google Images

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